Some little Games

Here are some Games & Things that you wouldn't call a "Tool".

Also Please Note, If your Viewing on a Phone the tools may be a tiny bit off screen :(

A Stopwatch... Yes its a tad broken but one day I may fix it. :)

From Memory, My first try was 9, Then after a couple of goes the record is 4!

This tool a Very very long time to make!

I still have a page somewhere that has me trying to improve the Black Jack & featuring functions to, Split, Double, Re-Bet & Split-Bet.

I had it working great till I tried to add a insurance option, but then I didn't have the time & patience to trying to perfect it.

This one works, but there may be some problems whoops but enjoy!

Now this is Pretty cool! Might not look the best but it works!

Looks pretty ugly but this game is 2 Player!